In what has been dubbed "a bizarre PR campaign misses", Chris Voigt, director of the Commission of the potato has been eating only potatoes for 25 days (and aims to reach 60).
Chris aims to show that the potatoes can be part of a lifestyle healthy. But do such a limited diet make him sick?
Chris highlights the nutritional contents of potatoes, although considered a "starch" not "vegetable", are rich in various vitamins and minerals:
Voigt expects his trick pro-spud is to educate the public about healthy much maligned potato: a cheap source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and with the skin left on, dietary fiber.
The monotony of a diet only potato left most of us feeling incredibly bored with our food, even with allowable condiments. Chris is intended to be enjoying himself, with some innovative as "frozen potato" and "Potato lasagne" recipes.
It was only one of those days where you really wonder what the heck you are doing. While I know that I love potatoes, it was difficult to keep eating them. I hung there, but I was the star of my own little pity party yesterday.
Chris has lost some weight in the diet (he is a few pounds overweight) finding their daily 6.5 pounds of potatoes so filling he can not always finish them. He insists that he does not suffer any ill effects of living off potatoes alone for two months.
What o you think? - this is a crazy diet or a genius PR stunt? And if you could eat only one food item for sixty days, what would you choose?