Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chris Voigt Pope only diet

In what has been dubbed "a bizarre PR campaign misses", Chris Voigt, director of the Commission of the potato has been eating only potatoes for 25 days (and aims to reach 60).

Chris aims to show that the potatoes can be part of a lifestyle healthy. But do such a limited diet make him sick?

Chris highlights the nutritional contents of potatoes, although considered a "starch" not "vegetable", are rich in various vitamins and minerals:
Voigt expects his trick pro-spud is to educate the public about healthy much maligned potato: a cheap source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and with the skin left on, dietary fiber.
The monotony of a diet only potato left most of us feeling incredibly bored with our food, even with allowable condiments. Chris is intended to be enjoying himself, with some innovative as "frozen potato" and "Potato lasagne" recipes.

Twenty days, however, placed on some of the psychological difficulties of diet on his blog:

It was only one of those days where you really wonder what the heck you are doing. While I know that I love potatoes, it was difficult to keep eating them. I hung there, but I was the star of my own little pity party yesterday.
Chris has lost some weight in the diet (he is a few pounds overweight) finding their daily 6.5 pounds of potatoes so filling he can not always finish them. He insists that he does not suffer any ill effects of living off potatoes alone for two months.
What o you think? - this is a crazy diet or a genius PR stunt? And if you could eat only one food item for sixty days, what would you choose?

Weight Loss For Anyone - Getting Started

It seems like everyone you meet today is concerned in one way or another about their weight. The media and the health industry is also involved in shaping our perceptions on what we should weigh. A whole culture and industry has grown around "fat loss" and "weight control". This is both good and bad depending on how you let all these factors affect your every day life.
For the most part, the wealth of information available in books, magazines, radio, television and the Internet just to mention a few, allows us as individuals many choices in determining what would be the perfect weight and appropriate weight loss plan for ourselves.
Ways to lose weight fall in to several categories and what will work for one person might not work for another. With a little bit of research you can determine which will work for you.

1. Weight Loss Pills
2. Diet Programs
3. Exercise Plans

It is important to realize that anytime you decide to get involved with any weight loss plan you should always consult your doctor to avoid any personal complications. The advantage of involving your doctor is pretty obvious, professional health counseling tailored for your needs.
It is also advisable to start out slow and gradually build up to your desired goals. Everything in moderation is a good plan so nothing will be overdone and you will not suffer from emotional or physical burnout or worse yet some form of damage. It is also a good idea not to set your hopes or goals to high since you what to be able to learn new habits that will be easily maintained for the long run.
Important things to consider are:

What is my age and gender?
What is my overall health?
Is my weight a real or perceived problem?
Am I an active or sedate individual?
Can I make a commitment and keep it?
Do I expect reasonable or unreasonable results?

The answers to the above questions will be unique to anyone who asks them of themselves. If answered honestly you will be halfway to success before you actually choose a plan of action.
Most people admit that they could stand to lose a few pounds. Fewer actually do anything about it. The initial decision to take action is the first and most important step. After that has been put behind oneself you con concentrate on "how" you are going to take action.
If you are in good health and need to lose a few pounds the best thing to do would be get involved with a combined plan of diet and exercise. A common misconception is diet means eating less or even starving and exercise means running and pumping iron. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Diet could actually equate to eating 3 or 4 balanced meals a day and never being hungry. Eating and drinking healthier with the emphasis on moderation.
Exercise can be fun, doing things you would enjoy. Could be a s simple as taking a walk three times a week. Getting involved in an outdoor activity such as golf or riding a bicycle.
Ultimately you need to decide what is right for you and not be depressed if it doesn't fit some media stereotype of what you should be. Get your doctor involved, if you don't have one, get one. Decide to take action and then follow through setting small reasonable goals along the way to keep you motivated. Live healthy, live long!

Learning the secrets to losing a few pounds is easier than you might think. Check out the top 4 programs used to Burn Body Fat. And these plans can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Vegetarian Diet Info

Diet And Weight Loss Advice For Vegetarians.

Check it out!