Did you read the latest news headline or here the latest TV commercial on fat loss? Surely, you know now you can lose 15 pounds overnight whilst sleeping and still eat anything and everything you want and never gain it back? No vigorous exercise needed just take a little miracle pill and the weight will just fall off?
Unfortunately I have heard this rubbish, more times than "I can shake a stick at" you can't believe a single word of it. So! Now be prepared for some quality weight loss information you can trust.
Take a minute and think about this. It is quite possible that it is not your responsibility that you are fat. That's right! In fact there is a possibility that the reason you are carrying that extra weight is because of genetics. That's right it's in your family tree, if your family tree shows a history of overweight, you may well have inherited the same fat gene. But, there is always a "but"; you may be making things worse by not eating health food and living a very inactive lifestyle.
Now, just because you may have inherited some of the fat genes, it is still up to you to take responsibility for compounding the situation. Once you take responsibility, it will be a lot easier for you to make the decision that things are going to change. Not only do you have get rid of some excess weight but you have to do something about your lifestyle as well. Because being overweight can cause life threatening diseases and failure to lose weight is not an option.
The first step is to get an appointment with your personal medical doctor, to make sure you don't have an illness that may be responsible for your overweight. At the same time your doctor will be able to tell you if you're fit enough to start a weight reduction plan. They can also give you some advice on setting goals that are practical and realistic for safely dropping those pounds.
It is important that you set obtainable goals. They need to be set just high enough to be a challenge, but not so high that you have to go on a "500 calorie diet" and possibly get discouraged too quickly. If your doctor suggests to you that you should get rid of 40 pounds, it is wise to break those 40 lbs down into smaller bite size pieces. (Excuse the joke)
The best way of doing this is to set a long term goal of shedding the 40 pounds over a six month period. Then break this down to smaller goals of only 6.5 lbs a month. Then you can break it down even further to about one pound a week. Can you see how you now have an easily achievable goal?
Once you have your weight loss goals set, you now need to work on an exercise plan. If you have been living an inactive life for a long time, then the best place to start off is with walking. This will help you to gently redevelop your muscles in your legs and arms, and get them back to working again.
Within a couple of weeks you should be up to walking a half mile to a mile. As your lungs and fitness start to improve you should find yourself able to walk more briskly. Walking will be most effective when you reach and can maintain a heart rate of about 120 beats a minute for about 20 minutes.
So where do you start? Well the best place to start is at the very beginning... By first accepting your personal responsibility for your health.
Tried and tested weight loss techniques are my specialty, from the 500 calorie diet to the Low gi diet, to super fruits such as the, maqui berry, goji berries and the acai berries