Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Poll: The More You Sit, the Sooner You Die


There are so many factors that contribute to the obesity rates in the western world and it definitely is a complex issue.

What's worse, as the world continues to evolve into a more technological driven society, people are spending a lot more time sitting in front of that technology instead of being up and moving on the job.

According to ongoing research at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana the more hours a day a person sits, the more likely they are to die an early death regardless of the amount of exercise they do.

This means that if a person has a job where they're on their feet all day, they are better off than a person who sits at a desk for 7 hours a day but jogs several miles before or after work.

This is based on a 2007 study from the University of Missouri that revealed that people who had active jobs burned many more Calories a week than people who ran 35 miles a week but had sedentary jobs.

Researchers say that sitting contributes to all kinds of health problems including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and muscle, spine, and other skeletal issues. Some businesses are switching on to this research and providing their employees with devices like the Trek Desk so workers can be moving as they work.

What do you think about our evolving sedentary lifestyle? Participate in the poll and comments below.

Source: Men's Health on MSNBC