The answer is simple and fast - yes.
In general, we can say that proteins are complex chemical compounds that are an essential part of all living cells. They are composed of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and smaller units called amino acids.

For this reason, our body needs amino acids to achieve strongly synthesize their proteins, which can be of two distinct types, the essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids.
The amino acids that our body cannot produce and must be ingested through food, it gives the name of essential amino acids. The amino acids that the body can produce from other substances are call of non-essential amino acids.
Essential amino acids in proteins are present in foods of animal and vegetal origin, with the difference in the proportion that we meet these amino acids. In the case of proteins of animal nature, the proportions of amino acids are close to the ideal to human, calling themselves of "completes”. In some cases, the proportion of amino acids in proteins of plant origin is not ideal however; combining several types of vegetable protein, we may achieve the same nutritional result than with complete proteins.
Essentially, protein builds muscles, which is why you will see bodybuilders especially concerned with protein. When you lift weights to work out, you body makes tiny tears in the muscles. Proteins are then, used to repair these healthy tears in the body, building the muscle slightly bigger with every workout. Even if you do not work out, your body’s muscle deteriorates, as you body needs the energy. Muscle provides energy, just like fat. Having protein in the body helps you to rebuild any muscle lost. Of course, all nutrients are crucial for our bodies to be as healthy as possible, but without protein in our diets every single day, our bodies will not be as strong as they should be.
We need to eat foods rich in protein every day because, unlike some other nutrients, it cannot be stored in the body. That means that if you eat more protein than necessary, your body will simply cause it to pass through your system. Therefore, you really cannot eat too much protein! However, because protein cannot be stored in the body, problems may arise surrounding this nutrient as well. If you do not get enough protein on any given day, your body has no back-up plan for producing protein on its own or using reserved protein from previous days. Therefore, protein is very important to consider when you are planning your meals.
As we said before protein, can be found in a number of food sources, so if you are interested in eating a healthier diet, you should consider learning more about protein.
Thank you for reading
José Zózimo