Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Apples, Pears and Weight Loss

Many people want to lose weight these days. Obesity and being overweight has reached epidemic proportions. There are many aesthetic reasons why people want to lose weight as they want to look good and fit into their jeans but the most important reason to lose weight is for health reasons.
We all carry our excess fat a little differently. One person may have thunder thighs with a large butt and a smaller upper body so she is shaped like a pear, while the next person will carry it all around the middle, in the abdominal region so that she is shaped more like an apple on a stick. The way we carry our fat contributes greatly to our good health.
The pear-shaped women, who carry all of their excess weight in their butt and thighs, are at a health advantage over the apple shaped women. While they may have more trouble finding "jeans that fit" and they may struggle with body image just as much as the apple-shaped woman, they do not have the same health issues to contend with. The fat they carry on their butts and thighs is not necessarily detrimental to their health.
Apple shaped women, who carry the excess weight in their abs and middle are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. The problem is that the fat accumulates around the internal organs and prevents their bodies from functioning as well as possible. A pear-shaped woman does not have this problem because of course there are no internal organs in our butts and thighs!
To determine if you are an apple or a pear, you must compute your waist-hip ratio. Divide your waist in inches by your hips in inches and if the result is o.8 or less you are considered to be a pear. If the result is more than 0.8 then you are an apple shape. For example a 28 inch waist divided by a 38 inch hip is 0.73 a pear, while a 32 inch waist divided by the same 38 inch hip is 0.84 or an apple.
While a pear may lament her big butt and thunder thighs it is typically more of a body image problem, while the apple can be facing some very serious health risks. Exercise and a wise diet are crucial if you are apple shaped and losing even as little as 2 inches off your waist can improve your health risks. If you are shaped like and apple, increase your cardio and concentrate on consuming a diet rich in fiber by consuming more fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, and lean protein sources such as fish and skinless chicken.
One advantage that an apple-shaped woman has is that the fat that accumulates in the abdominal region tends to come off much faster than the fat that accumulates in the butt and thighs. The fat in the butt and thighs is much more stubborn and it will require much more diligence with dieting and exercise to finally come off.
We cannot control our body type and how we carry our excess fat but we can do whatever is possible to lose weight and gain health.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unbeatable Weight Loss Motivation And Will Power!

Mental techniques to dramatically improve the results of any weight loss program. Affiliates get your rebrandable ebook for promotions at www.trainyourbrain4weightloss.com/affiliates.

Check it out!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Lost 22 Pounds With Acai Berry Supplements

I wanted to lose some weight, so I went online for what turned out to be a lot of research before finding a diet that actually worked. So now, I'll share it with you and hopefully save you some time!
I first found out about acai berries from Dr. Perricone, who was on Oprah as a diet expert. He said acai berry supplements or juice can help you feel younger and lose weight.
I was a bit skeptical, but I found a free trial and decided, "Why not?" I signed up and waited for the pills to come.
I should tell you about me a little. I am 39 years old and used to be pretty fit. But in the last few years it's been too hard to find time to exercise. I recently started walking about a mile during my lunch break, but losing a pound a month just wasn't good enough for me.
When the pills came and I started taking them, it felt like they really gave my entire body a boost. It really felt like I was eating a super food!
Within the first month of my acai berry diet, I lost 6 pounds. I lost another 7 pounds the next month. The pills really energized me, but I only kept up with my lunch-break walks and didn't do any extra exercise. I was flabbergasted -- I lost a total of 22 pounds in four months on the acai berry diet.
I hope you found my little acai berry review helpful! I had so much trouble filtering out the scams when I first started looking. It took me forever!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lose Your Belly Fat Really Fast

Today we will be looking at proven methods to battle the bulge during family gatherings, special occasions not to mention Christmas to help you maintain your figure into the New Year. Although the tips discussed specifically relate to Christmas and family gathering, you can easily use these same simple techniques practically all year round. They will definitely help stop you from over indulging at any family gathering or special occasion and help you lose the belly fat that at the same time.
Christmas is a time where you together with family and friends and really enjoy yourself but at the same time we have a tendency to over indulge as well. The thing is that Christmas comes but once a year and you feel that you really deserve a treat and it would be a shame to not enjoy everything there is on offer and so you end up trying everything from the turkey to the last crumb of Christmas pudding. As a result of our neglect or we end up adding a few pounds here and there and before we realise it the belly fat is back again or more apparent than it has ever been, but the worst thing is that you end up taking the tire into the start of the new year which is psychologically disheartening.
These simple techniques will help you beat belly fat whilst still giving you ample opportunity to thoroughly enjoy the wonderful food that is offer during Christmas and other family gatherings. These useful and practical tips will help you fight back against the bulge during these special occasions ensuring you have a good start to the New Year.

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 1 - Avoid the Honey trap 
Preparation is the key. Since Christmas only comes once a year, everybody goes all out to make sure that it is perfect which includes hosting a variety of delicious foods, in addition to all the traditional dishes such turkey and Christmas pudding. Baring this in mind if you're not prepared for the day ahead then I'm afraid you're just walking blindly walking into a honey trap where you will be overwhelmed by the variety of foods on offer forcing you to lose your sanity and the ability to say no. By the end of the day when you've finally regained your sanity then you'll realise what a big mistake you've made and all you can do is sit back and pray that the food you just ate doesn't end up as belly fat. Many of you regularly go to the gym and exercise for hours on end only to allow a little relapse to jeopardise the results of all that hard work, its an absolute shame.

So to avoid all the guilt the day after you should prepare for the day in question, whether it be Christmas or a family gathering it makes no difference, Before you turn up you need to take time to visualise the events before you turn up for example, the dishes you will eat, how large the plate is and what activities you will do during the day. By doing this you won't be walking blinding into a honey trap. You will already have mental defences in place that will help you control the amount you eat so helping you fight belly fat accumulation. You will also be more inclined to say no to an extra helping when you've already had enough.

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 2 - One spoon at a time 
Once you arrive at the dinner table it is really easy to forget everything and just dig in. This is a big mistake that will undue all the earlier visualisation work you did in preparation of this day. You need to be mentally strong. Simply knowing that you need to be strong is enough for you to act in accordance to your initial plan. Remember the goal is to fight belly fat and not over indulge, If all fails then I have a trick that will help. Scan the selection of foods on offer and decide which ones you really want to eat. Then simply enjoy one full serving spoon of these dishes and have only half a serving spoon of any other dishes you just want to try. This will allow you to try a variety of dishes without overindulging. So you will enjoy the best of both worlds

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 3 - Don't let your body go into starvation mode 
Have you ever noticed that what you miss a meal you feel so hungry that you just dig into anything and everything you can get your fingers on. Everything tastes good when you're hungry. This is a mental and physiological reaction. Your body needs energy and it really doesn't care whether it tastes good, but at the same time it knows that you won't eat anything that your tongue disapproves so it forces your brain to believe that anything and everything you see tastes good. Remember that taste is just an electrical signal that is sent to the brain, nothing more.

What's even more worrying is that it will reduce your ability or awareness of the quantity of food you are eating and increase the level at which you feel satiated. This is the level at which the body tells the brain that it has enough food and you should stop eating. Why does your body do this because you have missed meals and so it thinks that food may be scarce and so it would be a good idea in terms of survival that you eat as much as possible at the very next chance you get, which means that you will end up eating too much when you arrive at your family gathering.
Another harmful side effect of missing meals is that you force your body's metabolism to slow down so you end up burning calories at a much slower rate. This is big NO NO when you're trying to lose belly fat. Missing meals also forces your body to go into what is commonly known as the starvation mode. This is where your body decides that it will convert the next source of energy [food] into fat instead of burning it off so that it can save for a rainy day, for example if you miss meals in the future. As you can tell starvation will do you no favours in terms of losing belly fat, so make sure you don't skip any meals.

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 4 - Don't get the munchies 
Everybody knows that when you've had a few things you lose your inhibitions, not to mention the fact that you sometimes get what is commonly known as the munchies. This is where you just want to eat. The last thing you want when your trying to lose belly fat is give your self a reason to eat when you don't need to so avoid alcohol is possible. Bare in mind that every glass of alcoholic drink contains on average 200 calories and 1/8 cup of eggnog contains over 450 calories. Considering the average human being burns only 120 calories running 1 mile, you would have to run close to 1 ½ miles to burn off one glass of alcoholic drink and run close to 4 miles to burn off the eggnog. I hope that puts drinks alcoholic drinks into perspective. I know it did for me.

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 5 - Make the active choice 
I'm sure you already know that exercise is the key to losing belly fat and keeping it off, but exercise doesn't start and finish at the gym. Having an active lifestyle can make all the difference between having unnecessary unflattering belly fat and a perfectly toned flat stomach. Simple things like walking or cycling to the shop in stead of driving, walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator. The same can be true about family gathering. Instead of lazing on the sofa engage in activities

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 6 - Clothes that cling to your body 
Have you ever noticed that you are less inclined to eat too much when your wearing a well fitted dress because your afraid that if you eat too much then your belly will show and the last thing a girl wants is for a people to think that she's got a bun in the oven when she hasn't. Use this to your advantage. When going to family gathering where you know there will be an abundance of food wear something fitting that shows off your best figure, so you will be conscious that is you eat too much that an unflattering tummy will show. This will definitely keep you on your toes.

Lose The Belly Fat Tip 7 - Don't be the last one to leave 
Have you ever been the last one to leave at a party? I've done it and one thing I've noticed time and time again is that you end up helping out with the cleaning and tidying up, which is great but it also gives rise to the opportunity to snack on the left-over's. Not to mention the doggy bag that your host won't let you leave without. Simply avoid this by not being the last to leave, I'm not saying that you should be the first out the door but once the party had died down start to prepare to make your own way as well. This will avoid the entire situation.

Don't forget to visit my website and try the FREE TRIAL, if you've tried to diet and haven't seen the results that you really want then this free trial might just be what you've been searching for, YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE SO JUST GO FOR IT.

Best Wishes, 

Monday, January 31, 2011

May be Acupuncture used for anyone?

Traditional Chinese medicine

If you think about acupuncture, you may think of it as a Traditional Chinese medicine. You will want to lye on your stomach for the entire procedure or at least sit in a comfortable chair. Needles only slightly thicker than hairs inserted into the body in multiple spots, called meridians, in order to help the energy flow of the body, called qi. Although most popular in the world overall and certainly within the United States, TCM acupuncture is not the only technique that can help you rid your body of bad energy flow. 

Like anything else, there is a wide range of ways that you can practice acupuncture and you will find that when you are an acupuncturist that you have to be proficient with all of the techniques while specialize in one type of kind. You should know that acupuncture is not right for everyone and not all techniques are right for everyone. The acupuncturist will determine what is best for you and your ailments. You will find that this type of therapy can help you with stomachaches, headaches, arthritis, infertility, back pains, and certain diseases or conditions. You will find that it can help you with just about any type of pain and your pain reduced by the use of acupuncture.

Japanese acupuncture

Japanese acupuncturists have a slightly varied technique. When it comes to getting Japanese acupuncture, you will find that it can be less intrusive and rigorous, but you may also find it to be more pleasing and appealing. Use thinner or shorter needles many times. Japanese acupuncture also uses fewer needles in general.

Korean hand acupuncture

Another technique is Korean hand acupuncture. This is a good type for those who have issues with sitting or lying for long periods. It is also a good way to begin acupuncture if the methods are at first a bit scary to you. Korean hand acupuncture does not only target problems with the hands and fingers, such as arthritis. You will find that there are points on your hands that will affect the entire body. Learning these many points is an art, and so Korean hand acupuncturists are highly skilled professionals. Another form of acupuncture, done in one body location for those who cannot have needles placed at all points on the body is called auricircular acupuncture. With this, the needles are placed near your ears. This is used very successfully is drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

For those who have pain in their life, acupuncture can be a good way to help with your specific needs. You will want to make sure that the acupuncturist’s techniques are good for you. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weightmania Mobile, Fitness, Nutrition and Exercise Software for Palm Pilots and Palm phones

Weightmania Mobile is a fitness and nutrition journal for Palm Pilots and Smartphones. The newest release was developed in a partnership with two major Universities. Accurately track workouts, meals, measurements, dieting progress and medical information. Includes a simple journal for recording information, an 8,000 food database with 14,000 serving sizes, a color-coded calendar, charts, and a statistics tool. Calculates body fat, BMI, distance-time-pace-speed, and splits. Also provides a 42 key calculator that performs numerous calculations and conversions (such as Metric to English). When it comes to fitness, tracking progress is critical to your success. Weightmania Mobile motivates you, keeps you organized, and makes workouts and dieting fun. This is a standalone product that lets you to track years of data. It also shares data with our optional desktop version for Windows and Mac OS X. Great for tracking any diet plan or exercise including running, cycling, weight lifting and walking. Use it at work, at home or on the road. Designed for anyone interested in improving their health and well being. Works on any device with "Palm OS 4.0" or higher operating system (works on all color, grayscale and monochrome displays and almost any PDA purchased in the last six years). NOTE: ONLY WORKS ON DEVICES WITH THE "PALM OS" OPERATING SYSTEM; DOES NOT INCLUDE A PHONE (PHOTO ONLY SHOWN TO DEMONSTRATE SOFTWARE).
Price: $34.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, January 24, 2011

Losing Weight in Today's Society

In todays society millions of people are changing there ways of life with different diets, exercises, and various different types of weight loss programs. Now it seems like the "in" thing is to have the perfect young looking body, Which many men and women want to succeed and have. The problem is that many people don't know how to loose the weight the correct way or the healthy way.
You shouldn't put your life in front of having the perfect body or to be a size 2. It is extremely important to take care of yourself first and choose a reasonable weight loss target to fit your body and your life's schedule. That is another problem, many people try so hard to stick with a diet but when lunch time comes around and everyone near you at you job is ordering takeout or is going to that restraint that you love it seems impossible to stick with your diet.
Most people end up giving in and then they stop there diet and complain about how they feel horrible about the way they look and feel. If you are serious about loosing weight then you need to be serious and stick with it and be motivated about it. Put a picture up on the wall of that perfect body that you have always dreamed off and focus on it and start working hard on getting it.
If that is not enough motivation then just think about how bad being overweight is for you. It is a constant struggle and can put your life at risk. It seems like a healthy way to diet is to calorie count and maintain what you eat in moderation. You should not starve yourself and its not fair not being able to eat that ice cream that you love to eat every night. Eat it, but in moderation, I know you have heard about this before but really it does work. With a healthy diet plan and daily workout routine you should be able to achieve your perfect body.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

7 Surprising Secrets of Successful Weight Loss

Ever wanted to know the techniques and tricks used by those who successfully lost weight, and kept it off?
Thanks to a scintillating survey conducted by popular weight loss site SparkPeople - we've now got some road-tested tips to give you the best chance at managing weight.

As part of an updated paperback version of the bestselling book The Spark, (new edition here), the authors at Spark-people undertook a comprehensive survey of over 2,000 members. Why do 50% of people report losing momentum within 2 weeks of starting a diet? And why do 18% fizz out within just 3 days?

The answer is the 'strong start'. These strong starters lost twice as much weight in the first two weeks, and were five times more likely to reach goals than the false starters.
Track Food and Calories
Both strong and false starters ranked "food tracking" as the one action that made the biggest difference in their programs. 82% of strong starters tracked food every day vs. 65% of false starters, and strong starters were twice as likely to track their calories.Don't put certain foods off limits
Strong starters were less likely to label foods "good" or "bad" and forsake certain foods, and were three times more likely to use portion control techniques that supported consumption of unhealthier foods in moderation.Spend LESS time exercising
On average, strong starters exercised for 30 minutes during the first two weeks; false starters for 60 minutes, suggesting that false starters burned themselves out.Focus on both diet and exercise
74 percent of false starters made both fitness and dietary changes from the outset, compared to 50 percent offalse starters.Engage more with others/have a support network
Strong starters were more than twice as likely to communicate with other members online.Weigh yourself weekly, not daily
Most strong starters weighed themselves weekly, while the majority of false starters did so daily.Focus first and foremost on developing healthy habits, not losing weight
Most strong starters viewed their #1 goal as "building a strong foundation of healthy habits." A majority of false starters made losing 3-4 pounds in their first two weeks their #1 goal, which backfired.Note that these methods worked for many people - but we are all individuals and is it important to find out what works for you.
A big thanks to Sparkpeople and the folks and DailySpark for allowing us to publish this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Make the Commitment to Live a Healthier Life

What is your New Years resolution? For many Americans, it will be to lose weight and get in better shape. Making the resolution is easy but the follow through is tough. The benefits of losing weight are well documented but many of us still lack the commitment to stick to a regular fitness plan which is why the government has started the small steps program to make it easier.
Small Steps is part of the HealthierUS initiative started a few years ago by then President George Bush. It is a "national effort to prevent and reduce the costs of disease, improve people's lives and promote community health and wellness." The website HealthierUS.gov calls obesity an epidemic in the United States which must be addressed.
The key to losing weight is to burn fat and that can best be achieved through exercise. The small steps program says you don't have to go to the gym five days a week to meet your goals and shows how just taking a 45 minute walk a day can burn 300 calories. If walking for 45 minutes at one stretch sounds like too much, the report suggests three fifteen minute walks instead.
Whatever physical activity you choose the goal is to be active for at least 30 minutes every day. If you are able to log at least that much activity five days a week for a six week period you can earn a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award. An activity log can be found at presidentschallenge.org to keep track of your exercising and earn your award. There is also a section for kids to achieve a presidential award however they must log at least an hour of physical activity each day.
Exercise alone is not enough to achieve a healthier life, you also must alter your diet to include more fruits and vegetables and low fat meats. Making smart food choices will require you to watch portion size and count calories. The food and drug administration says to eat healthy you must avoid trans fats, saturated fats and foods that contain high levels of sodium and added sugar.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What are Aerobics?

Exercise can be broken down into two categories: aerobic and anaerobic. These differ in the ways in which your muscles contract during the exercise and how energy is generated within the muscles. Examples of anaerobic exercises include weight training or strength training, and with aerobic exercises, even the most well-built bodybuilder will not be able to run, swim, etc for long periods of time.
Aerobics, which literally means “with oxygen,” are exercise that can be done to lose weight and regain health. There are main types of aerobic exercises, and if you do these exercises daily, you will find that you really will be more healthy. Aerobics are generally done at moderate levels of intensity for a longer time and can target any part of your body you wish to slim. There are many advantages of aerobics, which is why this form of exercise is both important and popular among health-conscious people.

During aerobic exercise, your body breaks down glycogen to use for energy. If there is not enough glycogen in the body, you start using fat reserves instead, which is why you lose weight. Oxygen plays a key role in this process. With aerobic exercise, you don’t use bursts of energy. Rather, you spread out moderate levels of energy over a long period of time to trigger the use of fat in energy production. In general, things like running long distances, aerobics dances, and swimming for long periods of time are considered aerobics exercises, while anything with short bursts of motion, like sprinting, are not.

Benefits of aerobics exercises are great, which is why most doctors recommend them to patients, even if you enjoy a normal weight. Some of these benefits include strengthening the repertory muscles, enlarging the heart to pump more efficiently, increasing the flow of blood (and oxygen) in the body, and increasing endurance. Aerobics decrease the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems and of osteoporosis in both men and women.

Want to learn how aerobics can change your life? There are a number of great exercise programs you can do, which include both solo activities and classes with groups. To learn more (and always before starting a new exercising program, talk to your doctor or other health care professional to learn what types of aerobic exercises will work best for your body. Aerobics are the key to living a healthier and physically productive life, so don’t wait another day before starting a new healthy program that includes aerobics.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some Proven Weight Loss Tips

Did you read the latest news headline or here the latest TV commercial on fat loss? Surely, you know now you can lose 15 pounds overnight whilst sleeping and still eat anything and everything you want and never gain it back? No vigorous exercise needed just take a little miracle pill and the weight will just fall off?
Unfortunately I have heard this rubbish, more times than "I can shake a stick at" you can't believe a single word of it. So! Now be prepared for some quality weight loss information you can trust.
Take a minute and think about this. It is quite possible that it is not your responsibility that you are fat. That's right! In fact there is a possibility that the reason you are carrying that extra weight is because of genetics. That's right it's in your family tree, if your family tree shows a history of overweight, you may well have inherited the same fat gene. But, there is always a "but"; you may be making things worse by not eating health food and living a very inactive lifestyle.
Now, just because you may have inherited some of the fat genes, it is still up to you to take responsibility for compounding the situation. Once you take responsibility, it will be a lot easier for you to make the decision that things are going to change. Not only do you have get rid of some excess weight but you have to do something about your lifestyle as well. Because being overweight can cause life threatening diseases and failure to lose weight is not an option.
The first step is to get an appointment with your personal medical doctor, to make sure you don't have an illness that may be responsible for your overweight. At the same time your doctor will be able to tell you if you're fit enough to start a weight reduction plan. They can also give you some advice on setting goals that are practical and realistic for safely dropping those pounds.
It is important that you set obtainable goals. They need to be set just high enough to be a challenge, but not so high that you have to go on a "500 calorie diet" and possibly get discouraged too quickly. If your doctor suggests to you that you should get rid of 40 pounds, it is wise to break those 40 lbs down into smaller bite size pieces. (Excuse the joke)
The best way of doing this is to set a long term goal of shedding the 40 pounds over a six month period. Then break this down to smaller goals of only 6.5 lbs a month. Then you can break it down even further to about one pound a week. Can you see how you now have an easily achievable goal?
Once you have your weight loss goals set, you now need to work on an exercise plan. If you have been living an inactive life for a long time, then the best place to start off is with walking. This will help you to gently redevelop your muscles in your legs and arms, and get them back to working again.
Within a couple of weeks you should be up to walking a half mile to a mile. As your lungs and fitness start to improve you should find yourself able to walk more briskly. Walking will be most effective when you reach and can maintain a heart rate of about 120 beats a minute for about 20 minutes.
So where do you start? Well the best place to start is at the very beginning... By first accepting your personal responsibility for your health.
Tried and tested weight loss techniques are my specialty, from the 500 calorie diet to the Low gi diet, to super fruits such as the, maqui berry, goji berries and the acai berries

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Best Way To Lose Weight Is To Do These Five Things

If you're like many overweight people you've probably tried countless fad diets, more than one celebrity diets and fallen for a few old wives tales too, but every time you check the scale the chub is still there. Even if it does go away for awhile, it always creeps back on as soon as you stop the diet. Am I right? Well, here are a few tips that will lead you back on the road to a healthy you.
If you implement what I'm about to share with you, you will have a much better chance to have adequate weight loss, zero weight related health problems, healthy body, reduce stress, great self esteem and more. Would you like to hear more? Let's rock!
The best way to lose weight is...
#1. Avoid junk foods - This is a no brainer. Processed sugars are the worst thing ever created by man and are the worst thing to happen to our diet since the invention of Coca Cola back in the late 1800's, not to mention our teeth. Fast food restaurants like Micky D's, Taco Hell, Dun-Kin Donuts and others have contributed to the massive obesity that's now happening in America and is spreading to other countries. Don't let this happen to you or your children!
#2. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables - Contrary to popular belief, fruits and veggies were not picked in the can. They are much better for you fresh and they have many more vitamins when they haven't been processed.
#3. Reduce your intake of red meat - Hey, I love it too, but the fact of the matter is that too much of a good thing is bad for you. Eliminate fatty hamburger and eat smaller 4-6 oz. portions of lean red meat. Broil or grill your meat instead of frying it.
#4. Eat more fresh fish - I'm not talking about breaded fish sticks that just came in at the store. I'm talking about fresh wild salmon and other wild fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
#5. Get off your backside - Exercise coupled with diet is proven to increase weight loss NINE TIMES faster than doing one or the other alone. Exercise at least 30-45 minutes per day, four days per week. Some fitness experts recommend that you exercise six days per week. Simply rotate on a light day, heavy day schedule and work different muscles each day.
Whether you take the advice above is completely up to you and I refuse to be responsible whether you do or don't. I'm not trying to be mean, but you were big enough to put the weight on so now it's time for you to be big enough to take it off. It's your body, your life, your health.
The bottom line is that the best way to lose weight is to get off your rear end and take action starting today!

Stop! Are You "Fed Up" With Fad Diets? Find Out The Truth About Weight Loss Today By Visiting http://www.BestWayToLoseWeight.org or by clicking on Best Way To Lose Weight. Joe Simmons is a former U.S. Army Sgt That Wants You To Live A Healthy Life. Get Ready, Get Up, Get Moving and Get Your Life Back!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Are Colon Cleanse Supplements Good For Anyways?

Why is it Good to Complete a Colon Cleanse?
Colon cleansers are an effective way to remove the toxins, chemicals and other unnatural forms of foods and chemicals that can be ingested through the food that we consume and through the environment that we live. Colon cleansers are used by forty percent of people and are most popularly consumed through oral tablets, in combination with a fast that includes water or juice. Colon cleansers are seen as a weight loss tool, as well as a tool that can help the patient to undergo a quick process that enables the patient to remove the toxins from the body.
Colon cleansers are good for the body when they are completed on a healthy basis. There should not be more than one cycle of colon cleansing completed within a twenty eight days. As the colon cleansing process is a fast, it is important to ensure that the patient nourishes the body in between the time that the colon is being cleansed.
Colon cleansers are an effective weight loss tool. Completing a colon cleanse can assist the body through the weight loss process by allowing the body to absorb the good nutrients and expel the bad. There are many toxins and parasites which have been known to inhibit the weight loss process. Colon cleansers are an effective way to reduce your chances of developing a parasite within the colon that can lead to excess weight gain and make it easier for you to lose weight through dieting and proper exercise.
There are so many foods that we consume on a daily basis that are harmful to our digestive system as they contain high levels of preservatives and chemicals and unnatural foods. These types of foods can become lodged in the digestive system, unable to be moved through the use of normal bowel movements. Completing a colon cleanse can be an effective way to reduce these toxins and allow the patient a healthy way to increase the potential for weight loss.
When completed with natural ingredients, colon cleansers are an effective way to make sure that you are getting everything you can from your diet, while ensuring that the bad is being expelled. Research colon cleanser reviews to ensure that it is the right fit for you - and you can see results within a few days!

Cleanse Your Colon w/ Free Colon Cleansing @ GetFreeColonCleanse.com

Monday, January 10, 2011

Xenical or Orlistat Fat Blocker Medications

The health and fitness industry is getting ready for a fight. More specifically, personal trainers are getting ready for a few verbal confrontations.
The reason? Fitness and weight loss clients are going to want to take another easy route instead of putting in the hard work required to loss weight and stay healthy. Personal fitness trainers are going to have to be ready to set their clients straight. Another diet pill may soon be marching its way into everyone's kitchen cupboards.
The health advisory board for the FDA has voted to recommend over-the-counter sales of a weight-loss pill now sold only as a prescription medication.
The drug company GlaxoSmithKline is hoping before the end of this year, customers will be able to buy the fat-blocking pill without a doctor's prescription. This will be the first over-the-counter diet drug to win approval from the Food & Drug Administration. As a personal trainer, this is obviously something that would be of concern to me.
You see, even if the pill can safely deliver weight loss, no lifestyle changes have been learned. What will happen is limited time weight loss that will return once the pill use has stopped. In essence, it is reverse steroid use. Just like the guys that get big muscles for 12 weeks and then lose it all just as quick, the weight will come back for pill popping dieters. The reason is the lack of knowledge and dedication to do it the slow and right way. The way that takes correctly applied effort.
The good news is that the drug company still needs final FDA approval before it can sell an over-the-counter version of the diet pill orlistat which is now sold by prescription under the brand name Xenical. My concern is not with chronically obese people that are at health risk. Sometimes for sake of life or death, a doctor supervised weight loss program including medication is necessary for short term and meaningful weight loss.
My concern is for the young people and middle aged babyboomers with 30-50 pounds to lose. I'm afraid that there will be confusion between what a Fat Blocker and weight loss pill really do. This over the counter pill will block fat, which does not mean that with this pill you can consume all the chocolate you want. You get fat by eating too many calories. You can block fat, but you still have to watch sugars and other excess calories.
If orlistat gets approval it will be the first weight-loss drug given over-the-counter status. The pharmaceutical company Roche is going to continue to sell Xenical regardless of the outcome from the FDA.
If we could all show a little self control in our diets and get outside to enjoy life the way it is supposed to be enjoyed, we wouldn't need to put these foreign substances into our bodies.
If you are sitting on the couch, get up. There is plenty of time for rest in the grave. If you can't stop putting food in your mouth, figure out why the only satisfaction in your life is overfeeding your body and change. Take care of yourself, enjoy life and stop padding the drug company's wallets.

Ray Burton writes for the Exercise Website. He has trained for Golds Gym, World Health Club and the Canadian Military. Ray enjoys helping people live better lives through his fitness tips newsletter and free medication information section.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Saturday, January 1, 2011


What is it?

Arthritis is a generic term for several diseases that can cause pain and inflammation in joints. Joints are the areas most affected, but also tendons, ligaments, and muscles can be injured. Sometimes the skin may also be affected.

You must first understand arthritis.  It can affect anyone of any age, gender, or race.  Even babies at a young age of six months can develop arthritis.  It is true that your risks will increase after the age of 40. There are different things that can increase your risk of arthritis as well.  For example, sports injuries can often occur and it is necessary to continue treating your injury throughout your life to prevent more serious conditions later on in life.

In most cases, the disease begins slowly and steadily. Generally ultimately leads to pain, especially in the joints of the hands, feet and elbows, which may affect other organs such as eyes, heart, salivary and lachrymal glands. There are several types of arthritis. The two most common types are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).

The Osteoarthritis

OA usually manifests itself after 50 years and affects mostly women. The increase in average life expectancy of its population does predict a higher incidence of this disease, which produces a degeneration of cartilages, which facilitates the movement of joints, with pain and inflammation in them. On many occasions and asymptomatically OA has a prevalence that increases with age, being the most affected the elderly and obese.

The Rheumatoid Arthritis

The RA is more common among women and the proportion is a man to three women with RA. An autoimmune disease (that is to say, caused by a change of defense systems, which react against the body itself) is characterized by inflammation of one or more joints. AR at its most severe decreases the average life expectancy of five to ten years, but also causes pain, inflammation, and may cause severe physical deformities and organ damage. The disability and symptoms can appear at any age but is most common between 40 and 50 years.


After diagnosing the type of arthritis you have, the doctor will determine the best treatment, which may include medication for pain, inflammation and stiffness of joints and creams or ointments to relieve local pain.

We leave you some suggestions to combat pain.

Lose weight
Try to reduce your daily stress
Exercise regularly not only when you feel pain
Learn to relax. Yoga may help you
Aquatic exercises are excellent
Use ice to prevent the pain
Use the hot to reduce the pain
Do not use additive drugs
Increase vitamin C consumption
Practice the food selection
Reduce the consumption of vegetable oils
Insist on carrot juice

Thank you for reading
José Zózimo.