For 13 years, the essential principle of Weight Watchers plan has been "calories in calories out" - using a slide rule or tools online to calculate how many "points" a given food or drink contains based on calories, fat and fiber allowed dieters to remain within a target of daily points to control their consumption of calories and lose weight.
Now, Weight Watchers has announced that its new PointsPlus system will have general nutrition food counts, helping members to create a diet with a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fat and fiber. The message helps dieters to understand that the use of their points into a nutrient-rich food is a better choice than using the same number of points in something not-for-nutritious. The new plan also takes account how difficult the body has to work in order to use the energy of a particular food and continues to be a focus on the choice of filling of food that I leave hungry sooner rather than later.
I have spoken often of Weight Watchers and I am excited to get more information about the changes. I must admit that I am one of those people "change is scary" and I liked the version of points, but I think it is a good change.
For me the best I've heard - until now - is that the majority of fruits and vegetables will count as zero points! I believe that this will be great news for those finding any diet very difficult due to hunger - headaches are able to reach for fruits and vegetables more anytime to curb your appetite and stay on track in the new plan.
If you currently attend Weight Watchers meetings or follow the program online, do you think the changes?