Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Secret the Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

Want to know the best kept secret of the weight loss industry? This one secret works every time, all the time. It doesn't involve expensive prepackaged diet meals. You don't need to take expensive herbal pills or fancy health tonic. There is no concern for counting calories or fat grams. You won't be concerned about if the carbs are high glycemic or low glycemic. Let's see, what else, NO MORE measuring portions, ever!

Just what miracle weight loss program fits this?? No way, you say, there is no such program anywhere. Weight loss diets have to be bland, fussy, expensive, or you have to spend hours at the gym working out.

Are you ready to hear about this old, new way to safely lose weight? It is called fasting! Now just hang in there a minute. Before you close this page, take a minute to listen. I know you have heard all sorts of information about how your muscle eats itself when you go without food for more than 4 hours. You may have heard that your metabolism will come to a halt if you stop eating solid food for a time.

Let's stop a minute and think. Science says the opposite. There are numerous studies that prove that if nothing else, your muscles maintain and even build while fasting, so long as you stay active while you are on a fast. During a 24 hour fast and up to 30 hours, growth hormone increases. You read that right - it increases. This is the same growth hormone celebrities pay big bucks to get injected into them to stay young looking, folks and you get it free, while on a fast.

It is this growth hormone that helps you maintain muscle mass during a fast. So, there is no concern here about your muscle being eaten away when you go without food for more than 12 hours (the time between dinner and breakfast). The trick is to continue with your daily tasks and even do weight training.

Maybe we should clarify something. We are talking about fasting for 24 hours and no more than 72 hours per fast. This intermittent type of fast never lets your body get into a "desperation" mode where it shuts everything off. And no, your metabolism doesn't come to a halt when you fast. Studies show that while it does slow down, it doesn't stop. Then begins to take up right where it left off just before the fast within 24 hours.

So while your metabolism may slow down, you will still burn body fat during a fast. Which is our goal, right? Then on the days when you are not fasting, you simply eat what you are used to - no more and no less. No fussing over carbs, calories or fat.

Do you see why the weight loss industry would not like this to get spread around? There is no money in fasting. NO expensive pills, treatments, meals, guru diet plans, no laboratory tests or anything! Just go without food for 24 to 72 hours. It is too simple. And there is no money in "simple".

Want to know more?

Marie Stimson is a research writer and freelance author specializing in fitness and weight loss. Not satisfied with all the confusion in the marketplace about fat loss and health, she uncovered the truths about weight loss and fitness in her report, Fat Loss Secrets of the Ages. Get a free copy here: