Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Middle Age Weight Gain and How to Avoid It!

Many women in their youth, teens, 20's and even 30's, will have no problem managing their weight or losing excess pounds when they make an effort to do so. It's around middle age when all of a sudden it seems that their old tactics for weight loss or weight management no longer work, and worse, they seem to be gaining weight faster than ever. In my coaching practice, this is when I most often here the phrase, "It all feels so out of control!!"
I have studied healthy weight management for 15 years and have counseled hundreds of women on healthy weight management. One thing I know for sure is in this industry, nothing stays the same and there are a lot of mixed messages.
Low fat, low carb, lifestyle change, weight watchers, Jenny Craig, margarine is good for you, margarine is bad for you, fitness is the key, set points, food points, blah, blah, blah.
I have followed it all, made my own conclusions that I have determined from my education and experience were the right conclusions, and that have worked for me personally to maintain my weight for 21 years.
Then I hit midlife. All of a sudden, my body started expanding! My clothes began to get tight and I went up a size. I was still doing all the same things I've always done, so what was happening to me?
I searched for answers. I part of me started to just accept the weight gain as a natural component of getting older, but another part of me resisted this kind of thinking. There had to be another explanation for why I was gaining weight, other than my changing middle age metabolism.
What I found from my search was shocking. All the time, in my 20's 30's and 40's, I followed what I thought was a healthy way of eating according to medical science, the American Heart Association and the the popular medical journals. I ate a diet that consisted of mostly carbs, fruits, vegetables, and grains, about 20-30% of the "good" fats, and about 20-30% lean proteins. I didn't deprive myself of my favorite foods, I just ate them in moderation. I also had a few bad habits, but felt my good habits out weighed them. I drank caffeinated coffee and had developed the habit of having a glass of wine or two with my dinner every evening.
What I learned is that exact diet has done a lot of damage to me physically over all those years of trying to be so "good"!! Even though it seemed to be working, damage was being done on a cellular level from my over consumption of carbs and stimulants (caffeine and alcohol) and it was only a matter time that this imbalance would make it self known with sudden weight gain and intense menopausal symptoms. So, actually, I can thank menopause for this discovery and the start of reversing the damage!
Here are some of the things I learned:
1. Eating a low fat diet can make you fat!
o Eating dietary fat is essential for the regeneration of healthy tissues, hormone production, a healthy immune system and for maintaining ideal body composition.
o A low fat diet, when combined with a high carbohydrate intake leads to insulin resistance and accelerated metabolic aging.
o Fats that you eat do not turn into fat on your body because fat cannot be stored without the presence of insulin because insulin is the key to opening up the doors to store fat in fat cells. No matter how much fat you eat, it does not stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin! Only too many refined carbs can do that!
o When you are constantly watching your fat intake, you naturally fill in with foods that contain carbohydrates. When you take in mostly carbs, you have high levels of blood sugar being delivered to your liver. All your liver knows is it needs to protect your brain from getting too much sugar, so when it is done distributing the sugar where it is needed for energy, the rest gets stored as fat.
2. You can eat as much as you want without worrying about weight gain.
o Your body can and will regulate the amounts of fat and protein you digest, but it cannot regulate the amount of carbs you consume. When you eat too much sugar (all carbs turn into sugar in the body), your body over produces insulin which leads to plaguing of the arteries, heart disease, and in diabetes.
3. Butter is good for you. Ha!
o Eating saturated fats like butter increases the proportion of HDL's in the bloodstream. This is good because HDL's take cholesterol back to the liver and keep your arteries clean.
o The cells of the body cannot recognize or metabolize "damaged" fats. Damaged fats include processed fats, polyunsaturated fats used for cooking, deep fried foods, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (margarines), and charred fats on meats.
4. Not all carbs are bad, but not all "whole grains" are good.
o Sounds confusing, but really it's not. Any carbs in excess raises insulin levels. The best carbs to eat are whole grains, legumes, starchy and non-starchy vegetables and fruit. Avoid man-made carbs, including whole wheat processed breads. Fresh baked bread is preferable because it contains no additives, (but not very convenient, so eat whole grain breads from the bakery.)
o Always eat any carbs along with fat or protein to slow down the digestion of the carbs into sugar and keep the levels of insulin balanced.
5. Balance is the key.
o This is not a high protein, low carb program. That way of eating causes excessive ketones in the blood. This is extremely dangerous because your body is breaking down healthy tissue and causing imbalances in the body.
o Fast and healthy are not synonymous when it comes to losing body fat. Losing body fat in a healthy way means your metabolism is working to use your stored fat as energy. To lose body fat, you need to heal your metabolism so it becomes more efficient at using fat for fuel.
o The fact is you must eat to become healthy and achieve your ideal body composition. And it takes time. Optimum health is not about losing weight. It's about balance and shifting your focus away from numbers on the scale or measuring foods to the things that really matter-improved mood, more energy, a healthier, more efficient metabolism and a lifetime of all the above!
o Eating a variety of foods, never skipping meals, and eating "real" foods, is the best way to achieve balance.
o Eat all the good fats, proteins, non-starchy vegetables your body needs and eat enough whole grain, non-processed carbs according to your current level of activity. More active people need more carbs.
Since making an effort to include more real fats, better carbs, and non-processed fresh and organic foods into my diet, I have noticed my energy and moods improve, my weight has stabilized and gone back down some, and I am feeling generally healthier and just better mentally knowing I am healing the damage done from years of eating the wrong "healthy" foods.
You can do this too. It's not an overnight solution-but if there is anything we've learned by this age-nothing of real value is. Below are the studies and the work I have drawn most of my information from. Check them out for yourself and do what feels right for you.
Resources for this article:
Diane Schwarzbein, M.D. A leading authority on metabolic healing and the author of "The Schwarzbein Principle"; The Truth About Losing Weight, Being Healthy, and Feeling Younger. She specializes in metabolism, diabetes, osteoporosis, menopause, and thyroid conditions.
"Associations of Serum Lipid Concentrations and Obesity with Mortality in Women: 20 year Follow-up of Participants and Perspective Populations Study in Gothemberg, Sweden" British Medical Journal 307 (Nov. 1993): 1385-88
Healthy People 2000 Review 1994: National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 95-1256-1 Hyattsville, Md.: Centers for disease control and prevention, July 1995
Moller, David E. and Jeffery S. Flier. "Insulin Resistance-Mechanisms, Syndromes, and Implications." NEJM 325.13 (26 Sept. 1991): 938-48

Written by Deb Betterly, Ph.D. Deb is a Personal Coach who works with women in midlife to help create smooth transition into the second half of life and live a second adulthood that absolutely thrills them! Her website is [http://www.amazingjourneycoach.com]. She is also the author of the video eCourse “A Better Way to a Better Body”. You can find more information at [http://www.dietschmiet.com]

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed!

New Weight Loss Program Shows How Anyone Can Lose Weight With This Proven Plan.

Check it out!

Work Out Your Stress

In part two of this series, I mentioned our upcoming family vacation. Well, we survived (thanks to many, many breathing exercises) and actually managed to create a few happy vacation memories.
On the return trip, however, things were a bit more hairy. Of course, the trip home is never as much fun, but as I sat researching my next article in the cramped back seat - an attempt to "divide and conquer"  the kids - I came to understand part of the reason for all of the tension. We were trapped.
When you think about the "fight or flight" response, it becomes quite clear why stress is such a problem today. When we experience stress, our body reacts with an adrenaline boost, designed to give the strength to either fight the stress or run from it. However, in most of today's stressful situations, neither is a possibility. You can't very well turn and run away when your boss, child or spouse makes unreasonable demands on you. Therefore, muscles grow tense, breathing becomes shallow and adrenaline levels continue to build as your adrenal glands go into overdrive.
On our first trip, we made lengthy stops and allowed the kids to run and everyone to stretch. But on the return trip we made one big mistake, we were so anxious to get home that we didn't take as much time to stop, move around and stretch. Our minivan became overloaded with adrenaline.
Physical activity is one of the best methods of managing stress. It benefits your stress levels in five basic ways.

1. Exercise is physically and mentally strengthening, allowing your body to withstand the effects of stress.
2. Exercise stretches muscles that have grown tight due to stress.
3. Exercise requires the mind to focus on the activity at hand, rather than what happened earlier in the day.
4. Exercise burns adrenaline stores, built up from minor daily stresses, and releases endorphins, which cause a calming effect on the brain.
5. Exercise increases your oxygen intake. 

Published by Heather Haapoja
Heather Haapoja is a freelance and childrens writer who works from her home office, surrounded by kids, animals and beautiful north woods scenery. Her work has been published in various online and print maga...   View profile

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weight Loss Tips For Type 2 Diabetes

If you are like many people with type 2 diabetes, losing weight is a major goal. A goal that will help you control and perhaps even eliminate your diabetes. Unfortunately, for many losing weight is not an easy task. Add to the fact that everywhere you look there's the new and greatest diet, pill or potent promising to help you lose weight and keep it off.
It can be very hard to know who to trust or what to do to lose those unwanted pounds. Yet, if you are overweight, losing the pounds will help you get better diabetes control and greatly improve your health, your energy, and your longevity. Use the tips below to find a plan that works for you.
1. Don't attempt major weight loss alone. See a nutritionist. A nutritionist can help you develop a plan of action that will take the weight off without having you feel deprived. Plus, you won't be trying something you hope will work. You'll be getting information from a professional provider that knows what works.

2. Set your goals and your attitude for success. The mental aspect of losing weight will dictate to a large degree the amount of success you have. Focus on the benefits of losing weight. Get a mental picture of yourself without the extra pounds. Keep your focus on the positive end results, rather than using negative self-talk, or constantly complaining to yourself or others about what you can't eat, or other aspects of losing weight.

3. Get and stay active. Regular exercise is another important key to permanent weight loss. Combine aerobics and strength training to form a new more fit body for you. Exercising has many health benefits. Learn to make it a regular part of your life.

4. Focus on natural weight loss. Find and implement a lifestyle change rather than just a diet until you lose weight. Taking special pills, or supplemental nutrition drinks until you lose weight could be a big mistake. What happens when you stop using those products? The weight will come back so instead focus on adapting food choices you can make a permanent part of your life.
Follow the four simple steps and you'll see a big difference in your weight, your diabetes control, and your life.
Learn more about controlling your diabetes.
Janet Smith, a long time diabetic and author lives in King, North Carolina. She spends her time helping other diabetics learn how to control and live with diabetes. Her latest book "Beat Diabetes Daily" is available at http://www.beatdiabetesdaily.com/letter.aspx

Friday, November 26, 2010

Yogilates: A Challenging, but Cleansing Workout

Yoga hybrids are popping up everywhere, but many seem to fade out as quickly as they explode onto the fitness scene. Yoga purists all over the world are calling for a return to the “pure” form of yoga  as it rapidly continues to morph into some of the most diluted forms this practice has ever seen.
After trying Disco Yoga, several crowded Pilates classes at the local gym and around a dozen 20-minute Yoga tapes that left me feeling “un-exercised,” I had all but given up on workouts that didn’t require stepping, weight training, biking or running. My desire to stick to the basics grew stronger with every "gimmicky" class I signed up for. I was slowly becoming a "pure yoga" advocate and began to frown upon any hybrid that was thrown my way. That was until I discovered Yogilates.
Created by certified Pilates and Yoga instructor Jonathan Urla, Yogilates fuses Hatha Yoga and Pilates to give practitioners “more rapid and balanced development of their bodies than when either discipline is performed separately.”
German-born Joseph H. Pilates (1880-1968) introduced Pilates to the United States in 1926. Pilates created exercise machines and various pieces of equipment, most notably the Universal Reformer, but his original technique was based on his matwork exercises.
Pilates improves flexibility of the spine, posture, breathing and alignment. Some believe that it “strengthens the core better than any exercise ever invented.” Important elements include: the placement of the breath in the ribs, articulating the spine, stabilizing the pelvis and shoulders for better balance and an emphasis on linking movements together in a graceful and flowing way. This helps to develop coordination and concentration. Although the focus of Pilates centers on flexibility, strength and balance, practitioners walk away with a long, lean and toned body.

Published by Michelle C. Burton
Michelle Burton is president and founder of MCB Media. MCB Media provides writing and editing services to publishing firms and other media companies throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New 5 Day Fast Weight Loss Diet 2 Step Program and Lifetime Diet

Amazing effective 2 Step Diet for Fast Weight Loss. 5 day kick start plan then menus for life. Brand new to CB. Many exercise/diet tips. Menus include neg calorie foods and high metabolism foods. Also Secrets like "Supermarket Exercise" & more. . .

Check it out!

Total Health After Fifty "Something"

By Linda Miller
There are magazines for men's health, magazines for women's health, articles on your health, his health and even the dog's health every place you go; I notice something though: All those articles and  brochures have very healthy appearing young adults on them. What about the health of us somewhat older, greyer, beat up by life and tougher than boot leather folks? The assumption appears to be that either you never get old or you never look old if you follow the writer's advice. Beyond that was an implied assumption that if you are over fifty you must be unhealthy.
Nearly all of the methods did advocate some form of walking as part of the exercise routine. However most of the advice was for pretty radical diets and even more radical exercise programs. If you are out of shape and over fifty you don't need to bounce and strain to get in shape. In fact you should not bounce, run, lift weights or do aerobic dancing unless you are in good shape and have been used to doing it already. Total health and fitness is as simple as a good walk preferably with good walking company. A companion you love, or walking your dog, gives you the proper motivation to get out there and actually do it.
Get out your favorite walking shoes and read on for a little common sense advice on staying totally healthy way past fifty. If you do not have a favorite walking shoe yet consider these top picks: New Balance Walking Shoes, especially New Balance 833 which is said to have a nice roomy rounded toe area that won't bother your bunion. Asics Gel-DS Trainer, is a lightweight shoe considered good for "training" purposes. If you go short to medium distances look at the Nike Air Skylon shoe. It is lightweight and flat but flexible and comfortable. Don't be limited by these suggestions. Find what is best for you.
View the original article here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weight Loss,Weight Control & Fit with Healthy Eating. 75% Commission!!

Good ebook with useful resources for healthy weight loss eating, weight control, what to eat & drink, natural vs junk foods and many more.
Explains clearly what to eat in all parts of day. Highly converting sales letter
Check it out!

Career Profile - Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor

                                                                               Job Summary 
Almost all personal trainers and fitness instructors work in physical fitness facilities, fitness centers, and health clubs, mainly within the amusement and recreation services industry or civic and social  organizations. About five percent are self-employed; many of them personal trainers. Because fitness centers and health clubs offer a variety of exercise activities such as weight training, yoga, aerobics, pilates, and kickboxing, fitness workers typically specialize in only a few areas. 
Personal trainers provide individualized fitness programs that include education and guidance on proper food intake, cardio-respiratory exercise, supplementation and resistance training. Their main goal is to assist their clients in achieving fitness goals. They may also evaluate, advise, and treat athletes to assist in recovery from injury. Personal trainers must be strong motivators. Dedication and commitment to clients is necessary for success. 
Fitness instructor is a very general term for someone who specializes in the teaching of a particular exercise technique. Fitness instructors include people who teach yoga, aerobics, weight training, pilates, spinning, circuit training, martial arts, and many other activities. They normally instruct or coach groups or individuals in exercise activities. Fitness instructors typically lead by example, demonstrating techniques and methods of participation. They observe participants and inform them of corrective measures necessary to improve their skills or techniques. Most instructors carry out inductions, consultations with new members and may even design personal programs. Instructors with an advanced qualification may work with specialist groups of people, such as older adults or children with disabilities. In smaller clubs, instructors may also carry out routine duties, such as reception, sales, maintenance, marketing, health and safety checks, and pool operations. 
Training and Certification 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Weight Loss Diet - Video Series

I have created a series of videos (18 videos). The videos show's how I follow the diet day by day. The diet had great results, 19 lbs in just 18 days . This is a new product on the market, great intro with real results.

No Pain, No Gain? Not Likely

With the New Year's rush to fitness underway there are undoubtedly many folks out there that are feeling the pain of starting a new exercise program. In my experience as a health and fitness professional there are three types of exercise induced pain that I commonly see. One of these types, which is more of a discomfort than pain, is acceptable. The other two types of pain are not acceptable and will stop your progress dead in its tracks.

The first type of pain is really more of a discomfort and is acceptable when starting a new program. This cause of pain is what is known as "delayed onset muscle soreness" or DOMS. Delayed onset muscle soreness is thought to be a result of microscopic tearing of the muscle fibers and the amount of soreness is typically directly correlated to the amount or intensity of new exercise. Although some level of DOMS should be expected and acceptable if the muscle pain is severe and lasts for more than a few days after the workout then chances are you're overtraining.
The next type of pain that I commonly see is "over use" or "cumulative" injury. There are few reasons for this type of pain. One reason may be over-training. Working the muscles too hard and too often doesn't allow adequate muscle recovery and creates what is called the cumulative injury cycle. During this process the inflammatory response is initiated. Scar tissue and muscle adhesions are produced in order to repair and strengthen the damaged muscle. This scar tissue does not stretch and is considered "non-functional" tissue. As you continue to exercise, these tissues which are expected to stretch and slide become bound down. This creates increased tension on the muscle and joints and increased inflammation and further injury.
Now, in many cases this cumulative injury cycle is initiated long before the start of a new exercise program. Repetitive stress caused by poor posture (i.e. sitting slouched for hours upon hours in front of a computer) or by repetitive motions like swinging a golf club or tennis racket, or throwing a baseball can create the same cumulative injury cycle. Often these folks with this repetitive stress are aware of occasional muscle aches or stiffness (i.e. low back, neck or joint pain). However, when the activity demands of these already stressed muscles are increased, this pain can intensify and even cause real and permanent damage to the musculoskeletal system. This type of pain can often be avoided by avoiding what Dr. William Roberts, a professor of family medicine at the University of Minnesota and a past president of the American College of Sports Medicine refers to as the "toos"; too much, too soon, or too hard." I'll add another "too" to that list... Too little information. A consultation with a qualified fitness professional is a great way to insure that you are getting started the right way. If you are going into an exercise program already suffering everyday aches, pains, or stiffness then a consult with a qualified professional is a must.
The third type of pain is the emotional pain caused the failure of progress. Having battled obesity as a child and teenager, believe me I know the pain of failure. Trying diet after diet, exercise program after exercise program and seeing no progress. In order to avoid this type of pain you need three things.
1. The right information

2. The right expectations and

3. The right motivation.
The right information is out there and it's easy to find. Whether it's a qualified fitness professional or a good book on exercise and nutrition there are plenty of good resources out there. Just do your research and use common sense if you're looking for a trainer make sure you know their credentials. If you're looking for a book or program to follow on your own, just remember if sounds gimmicky or too good to be true, then...it is a gimmick and too good to be true.
Having the right expectations is critical. Setting good realistic goals is often the difference between staying the course and reaching your goals and quitting in disgust. Set up short term attainable goals and build on the success of reaching those goals.
In terms of making a significant change in your body and your health the most important thing is finding the right motivation. A doctor telling you that you need to lose weight for your health isn't motivation... its common knowledge. An old pair of pants in the closet that prompts the thought "I'm going to fit into those again" isn't motivation... that's wishful thinking. "Come on, you can do it, just one more rep!" coming from a personal trainer isn't motivation... its encouragement. Motivation is a feeling or deep desire that comes from deep inside of you that is strong enough to elicit a change in your behavior. The key here is that the real motivation is internal and individual. You can get good information and accountability from good doctors and fitness professionals, and you can certainly look forward to fitting in those skinny cloths. But believe me when I tell you the motivation must come from you!

Bill is a licensed Registered Nurse as well as a National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Personal Trainer. In the summer of 2001 after spending years practicing in the specialty of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Bill founded Precision Fitness-Personal Fitness, Inc. Bill has dedicated his career to helping individuals identify and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of optimal wellness and peak physical performance. As a recognized expert in the field of corrective exercise and performance, Bill has contributed to numerous publications and industry websites and has co-authored two books on fitness and performance. Since opening Precision Fitness, Bill has enjoyed helping clients that range from the professional athlete (NFL, PGA, NASCAR, PBA) to the student athlete and from fortune 500 CEOs to stay at home moms. Bill can be reached via e-mail at bill@ncprecisionfitness.com

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to get pilates abs

Actually there is a connection of food-Mood?

Therefore, chocolate makes you happy. Eating fish makes you smarter. And sugar makes hyper children. Right?

Many of us want to believe that eating certain things will boost our State of mind. but, not science actually copied from these beliefs?

It seems that many of the commonly accepted on food and mood thoughts are simply "in our head!"
A feature published in the British Medical Journal in 2008, informed that at the time a review of the 12 trials found not that no difference in behavior between the children had sugar could be detected and those who did not.
Even in studies of those who were considered "sensitive" to the sugar, children do not behave different after eating sugar diets full or unsweetened.
It seems that when parents think that your child has given a drink containing sugar (even if it is really free sugar), qualifies as hyperactive behaviour.
Robin Kanarek, who heads the nutrition and behavior laboratory at Tufts University in Medford, said this: the fact that parents expect their children to bounce on the walls, once eat sweets is what perpetuates the behavior
...In addition, many parents fail to notice that the body is unable to distinguish between a glass of Apple juice, sugar or sugar at a big cookie.
Apart from azúcar-hiperactividad, continuous Kanarek, connecting
our perceptions about food and what it will do for us are very strong and can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, even if there is no evidence physiological.
Is true that many adults report feeling much better after eating some chocolate or a sticky rings, e.g. what makes me wonder if obtaining his solution of sugar after a hard day in makes the Office "feels" good once again, is that really so bad?
Do you think-certain foods that you feel best?
Image source: nazreth

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weight Loss Handbook & Coaching Program

A Step by Step Program with 24 Keys to Losing Weight Without Dieting and Staying Slim Forever. Download the Handbook today!

Check it out!

The Dance Dance Revolution

    The past few years have seen a good number of music-based video games. Frequency, Amplitude, PaRappa, and the hugely popular Dance Dance Revolution series for Playstation 2 and Xbox. But why has DDR  collected such a huge fan base, while the rest have only cult followings?
    Well, like no game out now, DDR makes the player move! Other music games keep the gamer sitting still, never engaging more than the thumbs. DDR is more accessible because the game ditches hand-held controllers, which may bore some, for "dance pads" -- flat mats with the controller's buttons arranged so that players must use their feet, rather than their thumbs. CNN has even compared DDR to rigorous aerobic exercise classes.
    After starting the game, players must step on the directional button that matches the scrolling arrows on the screen. It sounds easy, but the trick is staying on the beat. Three levels of difficulty (Light, Medium, Heavy) offer increasingly complex moves and challenging rhythms. At the end of each song, typically 1:30, a score and grade (AAA-E) are given for the player's performance.
    Of course, the game offers a few different play modes. The simple Game mode is straight "dancing," with long combos and high points emphasized. Battle mode pits player against player, giving the game a more competitive edge. And since the game requires a good amount of physical activity, a Workout mode is also included that lets players focus on burning calories and meeting exercise goals.
    The graphics of most DDR games are pretty basic; flashing arrows scroll up the screen, while meters track the player’s performance. While most games might suffer from simple graphics, Dance Dance Revolution's let the player focus on getting their steps right. Video clips can be played behind the arrows, but players may find them distracting.
Published by Al Ebaster

View the original article here
Search Amazon.com for dance dance revolution

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Your Personal Best Workout [VHS]

NEW FEATURES (as of February 2010) - Now features a white backlight to fully illuminate the display for easy readings. Weigh capacity has been increased to 11 lbs. to allow you to weigh most things in your kitchen!

The EatSmart Digital Nutrition Scale analyzes the nutritional content of ANY food by portion size and was designed by an unparalleled team of medical professionals. The database stores the nutritional values for approximately 1,000 foods, which have been carefully selected to reflect fresh, whole foods Americans eat. The scale will instantly calculate the following cardiovascular nutrients essential for overall well being: Calories, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Total Fat, Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin K.

Additionally, the proprietary EatSmart Nutrition Facts Calculator is the only scale on the market that allows you to calculate nutrients for any food with a USDA Nutrition Facts label and is the most comprehensive educational and behavioral modification tool on the market today!

This scale has been thoroughly reviewed and tested by dietitians and nutritionists nationwide. Additionally, the EatSmart Nutrition Scale was recently named one of the most effective tools for carb counting and managing diabetes.

Get yours today!
Price: $12.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Dynamic Balance and Pilates: Integrated Fitness for a Balanced Life

Back in High School, when I first began to study dance, I loved to stretch. You could bend me in any direction and I would not complain. Did this make me a good dancer? No, it did not. An insightful dance instructor was  kind enough to explain my problem. To this day, her words still ring true:
In fitness and in life, one should never be more flexible than strong. In other words, you should never be able to bend over backwards for anyone or anything in less you have enough strength to pull yourself back up!
Her words were reinforced by a college kinesiology professor, who told me that my fitness career would end prematurely if I did not balance my yoga teaching with some serious strength training. However, as my fitness career developed, I noticed that many people would find themselves “stuck” in one dimension of fitness. For some, venturing out into other realms of conditioning was akin to visiting another planet.
When I began running marathons, I noticed that many distance runners would stretch, but avoid strength exercises. Meanwhile, at the gym, some of the serious weight lifters would not stretch. Some erroneously believed that doing any sort of aerobic work whatsoever cause them to “lose muscle.” At the other end of the spectrum, members of the cult of aerobicizers would demand more step and high impact cardio classes on the schedule.
Years later, when I trained as a Pilates instructor, I was told that Pilates was the end all and be all, encompassing strength flexibility and cardio. Pilates was in fact an excellent way to develop flexibility and strength simultaneously. The Pilates principle of “strength with length” is certainly valid. However, try as I might, I could not buy into the idea of Pilates as aerobic exercise. Additionally, some training organizations believed that the technique should be practiced in the exact way that Joseph Pilates created it in in the early 1900s, despite the fact that a century of new research has been performed since then.
Published by Lisa Marie Mercer
Fitness professional since 1973Owner: Mountain Sport Fitness Frisco CO.Fitness Coach: Epicski AcademyActress: Backstage TheatreAuthor: Open Your Heart With Winter Fitness   View profile

Friday, November 19, 2010

Exercising for a Healthy Heart: A Beginner's Primer

With all the research and discoveries over the last few decades, it is surely not a secret to anyone who is not a cave dweller that exercise is essential to a healthy heart. If our ancestors had been aware of that fact,  perhaps they would have had longer life spans than 40 or 45 years during certain eras in history.
If you are reading this article, chances are that you need some help getting started with a program or perhaps just some facts about why this is something that everyone must do to improve quality of life and health.
The first order of business needs to be checking with your doctor before starting any kind of exercise program. That may seem rather curious since you're doing it to make your heart healthy in the first place, but it is vital to be sure you have a doctor's "blessing" to start any exercise routine. It is vital that you not go overboard in your vigor, and only your doctor can best guess your limits in that regard. As just one example, if there are pre-existing heart problems of any kind, whether or not you are aware of them, certain types of exercises will be restricted.

Why does it matter? 

When an exercise program is followed concurrently with a heart-healthy diet, it helps to prevent heart disease. It matters because heart disease kills more men and women annually than any other cause of death. The number of people in the United States who have some form of cardiovascular disease is estimated to be more than 64 million.

As you become used to an exercise routine, your heart will get stronger, thus pumping more blood. That delivers more oxygen to your body. Exercise can help keep the bad kind of cholesterol under control and even help with the good cholesterol numbers. An exercise program can lower blood pressure and give you an overall feeling of success and well-being.

I've never exercised, how do I start? 

Many people find that having a program and making sure they stick to it is one of the best tools they have to succeed. It is much too easy to decide to do less or skip exercise completely if it's a busy day or if there are other things on your mind.

Published by Katharina
Katharina has been a writer since high school. She has numerous publications in print and online and loves the writing life. More recently she's spent a lot of time with music publishing and songwriting.   View profile

Weight Loss Mindset

Here is a catch for all those who want to get rid of fats fast. Firstly you are not alone in this quest. Our brain tells us to lose weight but heart desires for junk food, pizza, chocolate cake. You should never get depressed at such situation. There are many ways to get rid of weight. You should not have restless days and sleepless nights that you are over weight. Now this is the right moment to get rid of overload of fat. As they say "it's now or never". For this ordeal we should discuss some ways to reduce weight. There are diets, weight loss pills, and fitness programs. It is recommended to discuss these before going into further debate.
First I will inquire you about your intake of weight loss pills. Taking weight loss pills is not a strange phenomenon. Every day quite large number of American people you can say millions of us take refuge in such pills (many American people are tired of there excess weight) for the solution of this problem. It is highly advised to know "all pills are not good". That is the reason you need to be well versed at this.
Before taking any weight loss pill you should have all the information about its good and bad effects on your health. It is best to consult a doctor before doing anything about fat reduction. Quite a large number of doctors will advise you to stay away from such pills and have good balanced diets and suitable exercises. Many people think taking weight loss pills is their only way out from this situation.
But my friend let me be honest with you: getting rid off huge bundles of fat is not easy task. You should have all the information, is a pill good for you or it will harm your body? The internet is an excellent source of advertisement of weight loss pills. I will advise all to stay away from such pills as they will harm your health and lose of money too. Many of these advertised pills will spoil your body. Several of them are not pleasing for your body. What happens when you use them is that they draw water off your body and consequently make you feel and look lighter. But the unwanted fat is not reduced. Thus be more careful and do you research, when you want to lose fats fast.
It is strongly recommended when your heart desires to reduce fats and lose weight consult a good physician.

For some best tips and review on the products that work and which don't do visit my Personal Blog about Best Weight Loss Products and Tips

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water Exercise Benefits for Seniors

With the arrival of summer, more people will prefer the sunny climate of the outdoors for exercise.  Because water exercise is cooler and more comfortable than exercising on land, an outdoor pool or beach is a  great site for an exercise program that is not only fun but promises numerous health benefits. This is true for seniors who are healthy and it is especially good news for those  seniors who have certain medical conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hip and knee replacements. If you have a medical condition, always check with your physician prior to starting an exercise program.
Many benefits can be attributed to exercising in the water.  These include increasing your metabolism, helping to build muscle strength, improving balance and range of motion, and relieving tension and stress. Because water exercising is so adaptable, it can be adjusted to meet individual abilities. Therefore, it is a perfect program for all even if you do not know how to swim as most exercises can be done in chest high level water. You need not even get your hair wet!
Water (hydrostatic pressure) provides buoyancy and support for your body so the possibility of injury is minimal.  You will be less likely to feel sore after exercise due to the support of the water.
Water exercise strengthens and tones muscles because of the resistance provided by the water.  This helps to improve cardiac fitness levels. You can burn more energy by exercising in water due to its resistance than you can on land activities.
Your flexibility will improve with less strain on your joints due to the support of the water.  This support permits you to move into positions that would be impossible on land and still maintain your balance. 
Published by Nancy Schaaf
My diverse background as an educator, nurse, and massage therapist has enriched my life. Recently, I self-published my family genealogy. I write and edit my church newsletter.   View profile

The Right Beginner Yoga Class For You

The Right Beginner Yoga Class For You
You have four main points you should consider how to find the right Yoga class for you. Of course, I am considering you are a beginner, and you probably are going to have doubts about what you are going to find and what to expect when you first enter a beginner Yoga Class on your first day.

To answer these doubts you should read to following four points. They will help you to take the right way to succeed as a Yogi.

Point 1:  Decide on what you want to achieve before choosing a style.
We may find many different reasons to join to a Yoga Class. However the most common are:
physical health; mental health or spiritual health.  
All three reasons are important and all three are realistic targets to be reach. Whatever it is what you are trying to achieve through Yoga there will be a type of class and style that is more suitable for you.  You must do your research in a library, online or even by asking various Yogis and this will help you find the Yoga that will give the best results for you.
Point 2:  Join a Pay as You Go class.
Pay as you go classes referrers to a drop in class. These kinds of classes are a good way of getting a better feeling for Yoga. There will be a regular rotation of many students and the contrasting of the different levels will mean the instructor will keep the classes at a relatively calm stage and give everyone an experience of many different aspects of Yoga.
These different kinds of aspects will open your perspectives and will be a great opportunity for get the right sense of the type of practice you want to follow and to readjust your initial plan.
Now you know the kind of classes you want to assist it is time to jump to point three.
Point 3: Be sure to get a good instructor
Be careful about the instructor knowledge. The wrong teacher may cause you more problems than physical benefits. All your exercises and their intensity should be according your student level.
Pushing too hard at the beginning may cause physical injuries. In addition, this issue should be an aspect that students and instructor should have always in their minds.
So, ask for the credentials of your instructor a good one as nothing to hide from you and will not be offended.

Point 4:  Be aware of the additional costs.

Take care to know all the rules of the gym so you do not have unpleasant surprises such us: special kind of materials request to use on the classes and that you should pay for, and books that you must buy for following the classes, and so on.
These materials can cost you a considerable amount of money you may not expect. Therefore, it will be better to ask for all that kind of stuff before you decide to join that Yoga classes.

Hope you find these lines useful and thank you for reading.

Jose Zózimo.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tai Chi, Aerobic Excercise and Fitness Programs for Older Adults Over 55

As age progresses, health issues become an increasing concern. To offset concerns, individuals, over the age of fifty-five, have become increasingly active. By doing so, older adults experience improvement in strength,  balance, flexibility and endurance.  Additionally,  physical fitness can result in a reduction in high blood pressure, decreased risks of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, improved sleep and longevity and even relieve pain associated with arthritis. Other benefits, associated with exercise, may include reducing or delaying disability, improving cholesterol levels and controlling weight. All of these benefits are found through a basic exercise program which may include resistance training, aerobic exercise or flexibility programs such as Tai Chi.

Resistance Training 
Resistance Training is a very basic exercise program which involves simple weight lifting over several days with increasing amounts of weight over a period of time. By increasing the resistance, progressively over several days, resistance training aides in preventing falls and hip fractures by improving strength, balance and bone mass. In other words, resistance training will increase muscle strength and reduce muscle atrophy and bone loss. A basic program may include resistance rubber bands, free weights or weight machines. A program with as little as two sessions, twenty to thirty minutes in duration, over one week, can provide significant benefits.

Published by Christine Cadena - Featured Contributor on Associated Content in Mental Health.

The Road to Weight Loss - Weight Management System: Lose Weight Fast & Easy

The Road to Weight Loss - Weight Management System is a Super Weight Loss Program that will help you construct and manage your weight loss strategy so that you can lose those unwanted pounds with precision. So whether you're exercising at home, the gym, dieting or doing nothing at all - this system will pick you up from wherever you are and blast you off towards meeting your weight loss goals. The System packs the true ingredients necessary to make your weight loss journey successful. Safely Lose Weight Fast & Easy!

The Road To Weight Loss System is
Very Simple & Easy to Use
Just Enter a Couple of Details About Yourself into the Program and THEN...
It Tells You The Maximum Calories You Can Eat Per Day based on your activities
How Many Calories You Will Burn From Various Exercises
When you're going to be the weight you want to be and Much More!
The Road takes the Guesswork Out of Losing Weight and Makes It Simple!

50 Page E - Guide to Losing Weight - Consist of Training, Weight Loss Plan, Diet Plan and more!
30 Minute Training Video
The Road to Weight Loss - Weight Management System
Five Main Areas Covered: Goals, Exercises, Keeping Track, Forecast Goal Dates - How much you will weigh on a certain day, and Calorie Counter. Then they all work together to paint an picture of what you need to do to lose weight.
It Automatically Calculates your new BMR / Calories you can eat as you lose weight + your BMI
It Calculates on what approximate date you will be a certain weight.
Adjust your new calories burned per exercise / diet as you lose weight automatically
Allows you how to keep a digital weight loss journal
Know exactly how many calories you would burn from doing over 70 different exercises and settings
Keep track of your various body measurements such as your stomach as you lose weight
The days of exercising and dieting without being fully aware of where your going are over!
You can use with any other weight loss activity you're doing

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tai Chi 24-form

Omron Body Fat Monitor and Scale

Fat loss monitor with scale. Easy to read 2" extra large digital display. Measures body fat percentage in .1% increments. Weight capacity up to 330 lb (.2 lb increments). Four person profile memory plus guest mode. Displays previous reading. Chrome metallic finish.

How Veg-Friendly is That Subway Knife?

By Gerald "Gerry" Pugliese on Oct 30, 2010
I like Subway. It's the only fast food I eat. I haven't stepped foot in a McDonald's for over five years. It's nasty.
Subway's "eat fresh" works on me. You can see right in front of you what's going into your food - not too many secrets. Who knows what animal parts lurk in a McRib?

But one thing about Subway creeps me out, the knives they use to cut the sandwiches. They use the same knife to cut every sandwich. I think that's weird.

Here's why. I don't eat meat - yeah, I know some of you get annoyed when I say that, blah, blah, blah - so I only order a Veggie Delight; no cheese, no cold cuts, only vegetables, oil, and salt and pepper.
I don't have any religious or ethical reasons for not eating meat. I just think its healthier, period. But let's say you're not like me - lucky you - and you have strong moral objections to eating meat. Wouldn't you be upset if someone halved your veggie sandwich with the very same knife they just used to cleave through a half-pound of roast beef and melted cheese?
Listen, I know vegans. And they'd sooner cut your throat then let you touch their food with a knife that got within a 50-foot radius of any animal. Okay, before I get slammed, that's an obvious exaggeration. Calm down.
But you get the idea. Personally, I've never made a stink about the knife, mostly because I haven't seen my knife used on anything gross, like mayonnaise or bacon, but who knows what happened before I got there. Ugh, I don't want to think about it.
I don't know if Subway has an official knife cleaning policy, and I've never seen an employee balk at using any particular knife - or wash them for that matter - but as trivial as it may sound, isn't that dangerous?
Whether or not you consider an enraged vegan dangerous is one thing, but what if someone is allergic to stuff left on the knife?
Image credit: New York Post

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet System

Get a piece of the action: Eating chocolate and losing weight! It doesn't get any better than that. Exciting opportunities for all affiliates who want a piece of this generously 70% paying program. Watch your diet and weight loss traffic build w/$ for you

How to Realistically Approach Fast Weight Loss

Your approach to weight loss requires some thought. You want to take the proper steps, the wisest steps, and be honest about the route you take. What you want to do is take a realistic approach to achieving fast weight loss. Think logically, use good judgement, and be realistic in your goals.
We know that some people who struggle with weight suffer from low self esteem. Depression becomes more problematic for America with each passing year. The stress of coping with the demands of today's society are eating people up from the inside out. That's why when a person has a positive breakthrough in the area of weight loss, it affects them both physically and mentally as well.
They believe they look better, so they feel better. This causes a generally good feeling and raises self esteem.
But one mistake to avoid, is setting the bar too high. Being realistic in your approach to weight loss is very important. If you fall below a goal that you set, it's a negative impact. If you set it realistically and came close, it's still a victory. Start off easily and not taking on too much at once. Be mindful of what you eat and when you notice them, drop the bad habits. If you do this often enough with any bad habit, soon denying them becomes a habit, thus a good habit has been formed.
A good positive attitude. This quality is priceless. And don't have the attitude of dread that some people take into a diet with them. Be light-hearted about it, and don't hang the world on it. Take your diet serious, but not overly serious.
With all diets, each individual's body and metabolism will react a little bit different from someone else's. Nothing is chiseled in stone like a "one size fits all" diet that everybody gets the same results with. That's not realistic. Do the best in relation to your own personal situation.
Diet with a realistic approach like you would if you were going to take a driver's test. You want to pass, but if you don't, you'll take it again, it's not the end of the world.
Avoid greasy foods and take in fiber-rich foods. The high fiber foods stay longer in the digestive tract. Grains can raise your blood sugar levels, boost energy, and tell the body when to burn fat. A good colon cleanse every now and then might not be a bad idea to flush out excess waste rotting inside your system.
Most of the world knows that you should drink 6 ti 8 glasses of water per day. When dieting, how your body gets rid of waste has a lot to do with how much weight loss you experience. Staying hydrated is good for optimizing the waste expulsion.
Be consistently persistent. Discipline can be hard, but the payoffs are what make it worth it. Don't be too hard on yourself, set realistic goals, and you can lose the weight you desire without stressing yourself out.

Tyler Russell if your weight loss expert

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moving Unhealthy Food Is Better Than Banning It

By Mike Howard on Oct 28, 2010

An intriguing study from Cornell University found that strategically re-positioning food in school cafeterias is a formidable strategy for encouraging healthier choices.

Healthier, more visible and more "cool" was the idea behind the strategy, which aimed to improve the eating habits of school-aged children.
These findings are the result of six different studies with more than 11,000 middle and high school students. (Source)

Here are some examples of how the changes made a difference;

  • In one set of schools, the study found sales of fruit increased by 100 percent, when it was moved to a colorful bowl.
  • Salad bar sales tripled when the cart was placed in front of cash registers.
  • In other schools, creating a speedy "healthy express" checkout line for students not buying calorie-dense foods, like desserts and chips, doubled the sales of healthy sandwiches.
  • Ice cream kept in a freezer with a closed, opaque top, significantly reduced the amount of ice cream taken.
  • Moving chocolate milk behind plain milk increased sales of plain milk.

Image credit: packedlunch